Monday, June 23, 2008

Damn you George Lucas!!!!!

Well Lucas Arts shut down for "infringement" of their "intellectual property."

Disclaimer: West Potomac RFC does not condone infringement of intellectual property, pirating, P2P file sharing, torrenting, swapping casette tapes, exchanging guitar tabs, or copying traditional pacific islander man-dresses.

So what are we going to do now? I know! West Potomac haiku competition! Submit your best haiku to and I'll post the funniest/dirtiest/most creative entries. Here's one to get the ball rolling:

Summer's cookout
Drunken ruggers at Gessner's
Amorous with pigs

1 comment:

West Potomac Rugby said...

Forwards win the ball
Pass it out to the backline
Knock-on is coming