Monday, June 23, 2008

Slug Sevens Recap

Stay Tuned for an updated write-up of Slug Sevens...probably at lunch.


Bible said...

I am appalled at my own joy in the Star Wars scroll...

West Potomac Rugby said...

Indeed. Hella dorky, but not a bad way to tell a story. -KJ

Anonymous said...

The only thing not mentioned was when the dark side of the beard took hold of brent after the ref saw him being put in a guilotine choke hold and did nothing about it, and he was overcome with anger and told the evil referee to go f**k himself and left the tourney. If he had a light saber he would have used it. he does however apologze to his teamates for losing his cool. Brent also scored a try as well- Brent

Scott said...

there was a disturbance alright...and Brent left without a goodbye.

yes, I scored one. Didn't Jason score one as well?

Scott said...

satan made you come back to pitch after the first ejection.

I think you said "dont f*k yourself" which is slightly different, but close enough to the real thing.

Anonymous said...

We few, we happy few . . .

Well done boys. Sorry i could not help out.

Bible said...

I should also point in self-promotion I scored the first time I touched the ball. Unfortunately after I ran for 70 meters I was exhausted for the remaining 6 minutes and was as useless as an ejected Brent.